Browse Month

June 2016

Problems with errexit in bash

When I create a bash script, I want it to be robust. For a long time, the errexit option is used in a lot of my scripts. It makes the code a lot easier to read and maintain.

A while back, I was creating a script for checks that I wanted to run on the system. During writing test cases for this script, I hit a strange problem. All of the sudden, it seemed that the errexit didn’t work anymore. I could reproduce the problem fatefully.

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Getting drenched

Phew. Yesterday was a long day at work. I started at 8 and wrapped up a little after 9. But the most “exciting” part of the day was going back after dinner in a pre monsoon shower.

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First week of work in Hyderabad

Ah, it has been a week since I last posted. Since I’m back in Hyderabad, it’s been pretty busy with work. I haven’t forgotten however to also do fun stuff too though 🙂 Last time I was here, 8 years ago, I visited monuments. Now I want to visit the people I was working with.

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